Facebook is where it's at.
Nobody goes to MySpace anymore, only emo kids that still think it's cool.
Joined on 10/26/08
Facebook is where it's at.
Nobody goes to MySpace anymore, only emo kids that still think it's cool.
Noooo, I just started listening to your audio.
i am emo and i shall wait for you on myspace
You'll be back.
They always come back.
how i download ur songs
i'll figure out.. i'll release an albun soon :P
Ha i knew it :DD
( evrybody leaves NG except me .... )
Don't forget your first home.
But, Helth!!! :(
I will miss you buddy :P
Love ya!
hmm okayz. but i don't like the myspace :P
i can moar make pics for ya if u ask.
(i made those pics what have now :P)
Your not the only one. I already left. I don't plan to upload any more songs to my account as well.
Congrats on reaching a whistle level that took me about 4 months to take... in a few hours.
hahaha :D ty
Hmm. Der er åbenbart mange der har lyst til at forlade Newgrounds for tiden. Jeg kan forestille mig at grunden kunne være den umodne userbase, og uoverskueligheden. Men først Liquitech og nu dig. Jeg synes heller ikke ligefrem at MySpace er det bedste værktøj til at dele sin musik med, hvis det er på et frit grundlag. Den er udemærket til at blive benyttet af kommercielle kunstnere og bands, da de publicerer deres musik på forskellige servicer som iTunes for eksempel. Jamendo kunne være et godt alternativ. Eller som Liquitech valgte, MakeTunes. Der er masser af muligheder. Men held og lykke til, siger jeg bare. :)
I don't have Myspace :'(
And i'm not going to make one :p
Ah well, i'll be hearing plenty of previews from you :p
Have fun on Myspace mister and don't forget that you CAN'T EAT RAW EGGS.
oh shit, you're getting close to my level
Umm, dude, you know this is just NG. You get alot of the whiny types on here because the majority of them are still children or young pubescent kids. There is always going to be someone that tells you your music sucks in a one phrase review just because they have nothing better to do. If you leave NG, then your just letting those kids get the better of you. Life isn't as loving as we think. So I suggest you continue providing music on NG because there are those few who actually aren't childish here.
thanks =) i will submit again cauz of this ^^,
Thanks man!
Hi Helth ^^,
oh thanks for the heads up that you had made another account. what was the point in makin another 1 though
I cheched out yer profile just cuz on that other song said this is helth. and then I saw a comment left by helth. AND then I clicked on one of your songs and skipped to the middle to see if I have herd it before and was like "HEY this is that one song that was on top 5 a while ago" then I clicked on another and said "hmmm. maybe it was this one that was on top five" BASICLY they sound the same. AND there is no point to this message. And dont get mad. I dont know why I get these angrey messages back as if I insulted someone.
I'm not mad =)
I'm happy, caus of my life irl =D