Sexy and tight mayne
Need to say more?
Sexy and tight mayne
Need to say more?
But lool... really not top 5 worthy .. sry xP.. it's good but way to short to deserve top 5
top 5 worthy? lol.
Ur best song
Almost a 10.. it just needs some changes here and there..!
The melody is lovely man, really catchy :D if u would like to.. then send the .flp to my mail, then i can finnish it, and then we get top 5h haahah
Keep up the great work man!
i could do that XD and thanks for the big 9 XD
ParagonX9 is back! :O
Man DPulse
We are gonna collab ;)
Nice man
Trying new style?
Nice man, i really like this ;D
The intro is really good, and so are the beat. The background effects are nice and the athomsphere is superb.
I really want you to stay this style man :D! it's some of the best i've ever heard from you.
Make it longer! NOW! :P
haha, I don't know what came over me when I made this. maybe I'll just make a new song out of all of these sounds. I remember it being a big pain making those sounds, I made everything from sin waves, everything from the organ to the clicky snare (except the celesta, that was orchestral I believe.) I don't see a song like this coming anytime soon though :'(
very nice man :)
seriously! u made it even better then the version u sended me on msn..
now my msn doesn't work btw :/
Haha, yeah, i made about 5 versions of this song or something :P
And i already figured out that your MSN isn't working since you suddenly went offline and didn't came back online :P
Thanks for the review ^^
Ù have used SO many vec loops in this! for example in the intro xP
and at 0:34
Seriously.. wtf?
It's good blended but still xP
I actually had just heard of VEC and got it not too long before I made this song so I went apeshit with it basically. Just like I have with the song before this and the latest preview I submitted >_>
U know what i mean
Yep! Thanks :D
Joined on 10/26/08