Haha gratz :)
Nice u got top 1 man :D i'm proud^^
Haha gratz :)
Nice u got top 1 man :D i'm proud^^
Thanks! =D
Amazing track
Really nice song man. Enjoyed it all^^
I hope u get top 5 u beast^^
Thank you good sir!
Enjoyable track for sure
I really enjoyed this track man. It was nice and uniqe :P i just think that u use that snareroll alittle bit to much :-)
Otherwise nothing to complain about
its the thing that keep me to be orginal :)
Ur best song for sure :)
Really the best i've heard from u man!
Thanks :D
Sounds alot like kettel for sure
I just missed something more doped in the song.. It's like one big intro until 1:08^^ i know it's a WIP too
You're pretty much right. It's all intro so far until 1:08. But no worries. It'll get finished ; )
Really nice :D
IDM is ur new genre? Those drums are IDM'ish man ^^,
Well, this song was really good too, but it's just to short man :P
If you made it longer and added a main melody or something, it would be a 10/10..
I really love the sound of this actually! It's so cool! Fits to a arcade game^^
-Barack Obama
well, looks like this one might be up for a while. thanks for the review Helth
Lold with u :-)
Hmm.. The drums were really wellmade man :), the song as whole just needs way more variation dude :P This could be really really good if u added a melody and made it longer^^
Fits to a fight scene though >:)
Yea I was just tearin it up on the set, this is me playing drums live by the way
Good song^^
I don't know Journey - yet though :D. The song was uplifting and the melody was really great. It could be a little bit better as the whole song.. By this i mean that u could add fx's, drums and pads, because the melody is already perfect.
If u did this it would be a higher score^^
Yea thanks, I think that's really good advice cuz if I were to actually pump out a hella good Journey Tribute then I think I'd get top 50. Idk, I don't have time lately, but I will definitely try.
Thanks for your review, it's awesome.
Joined on 10/26/08